Spring Update

It's been busy on the farm this month - we've already had two sets of baby broiler chicks delivered so far this season. The youngest chicks are still in the brooder but we plan to put them out on pasture on Thursday. The older chickens have been enjoying the Spring weather and the thick, green grass and big bugs that seem to flourish on our land.
We also have added 30 Rhode Island Red laying hens to our flock. These chickens are 'pullets', a term for a young hen less than one year old. We look forward to having fresh eggs for sale in another month.
Sadly, we did suffer a severe predator attack on the pasture recently and lost nearly 50 chickens. It is a huge set-back for us and deeply unsettling. Chris has been spending many nights on the pasture keeping an eye on the chickens while we deal with this threat. Eventually we will make up for the loss but initially we will start the season with a limited number of broilers for sale. It may even mean that we delay the start of the markets & CSA until June. We will make that decision soon. But don't worry - there will be plenty of chickens to come!
Chris and Holly