May Day

The farm (and farmers) survived a deluge of rain this week.  Not without a 4:00 AM trek out to the pasture to check on the young broilers in a torrential downpour and several days of work in soggy clothes. But yesterday the sun broke through and the rain clouds moved on. 
Yesterday, we also had a visit from the Executive Director of FACT (Food Animal Concern Trust) which is located in Chicago.  We were a recipient of their 2013 Fund-A-Farmer Grant which helps small family farms fund projects that will enrich and improve animal welfare.  We applied and received the money to retrofit our Chicken 'Tractors' with side doors to allow our Broilers to access more pasture during the day.  The award also helped us surround each Chicken Tractor with portable electric fencing and battery for predator protection. Here are some wonderful photos of the farm, courtesy of FACT.